WCSE 2018 ISBN: 978-981-11-7861-0
DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2018.06.090

Concurrent Error Detection Scheme for Montgomery Multiplication Over GF(2m)

Kee-Won Kim, Hyun-Ho Lee, Seung-Hoon Kim

Abstract— Finite fields over GF(2m) have great interest for their applications like cryptography, where it is important to detect an error. Multiplication is one of the most crucial operations and the concurrent error detection scheme for multiplication over finite fields is very useful to increase the reliability in such application. In this paper, we propose a concurrent error detection scheme to be efficiently employed for the Montgomery multiplication over GF(2m). Our scheme uses two Montgomery factors for deriving an efficient concurrent error detection. We expect that the multiplier with concurrent error detection using our scheme can save about 50% time complexity as compared to the existing structures. In future research, we will

Index Terms— cryptography, Montgomery multiplication, finite field arithmetic, fault-tolerant computing, concurrent error detection

Kee-Won Kim,Seung-Hoon Kim
Department of Applied Computer Engineering, Dankook University, KOREA
Hyun-Ho Lee
Department of Computer Science, Dankook University, CHINA


Cite: Kee-Won Kim, Hyun-Ho Lee, Seung-Hoon Kim, "Concurrent Error Detection Scheme for Montgomery Multiplication Over GF(2m)," Proceedings of 2018 the 8th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 526 -530, Bangkok, 28-30 June, 2018.