WCSE 2017
ISBN: 978-981-11-3671-9 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2017.06.044

A Grey-Box Approach to Getting GUI Test Model

Juncheng Chen, Hua Wu, Wenbo Zhang

Abstract— Graphic User Interfaces(GUI) is an important component of modern software, and incorrect implementation of GUI will reduce the usability and reliability of the overall software application. Testing is an effective way to discover defects and increase the quality of GUI. Generation of test cases is an important phase of GUI testing, and it can be achieved in manual or automatic approach. Due to the high complexity of GUI, it is impractical to generate test cases manually. So, it is a reasonable way to generate test cases from a GUI model automatically. What is the GUI model and how to create the model are still difficult tasks. In this paper, we redefine the event, propose an event handler graph(EHG) model which is considered as a GUI model, and put forward a grey-box approach which combines the dynamic method and static analysis of source code to create a GUI model automatically. The GUI model can be used as a basis for generating test cases automatically subsequently.

Index Terms— GUI model; GUI Testing; grey-box;

Juncheng Chen, Wenbo Zhang
BJUT Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology, CHINA
Hua Wu
Network and Educational Technology, Anyang Normal University, CHINA


Cite: Juncheng Chen, Hua Wu, Wenbo Zhang, "A Grey-Box Approach to Getting GUI Test Model," Proceedings of 2017 the 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 254-261, Beijing, 25-27 June, 2017.