ISBN: 978-981-11-3671-9 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2017.06.056
Centre Manifold of Fractional-order Lorenz system
Abstract— Dimension reduction is a significant method of simplifying the study to reduce the dimensions of
a dynamic system for technical applications in dimensional systems of science or engineering. Centre
Manifold method is a mathematical prescription of reduction method in ordinary differential systems. In this
paper, a local fractional centre manifold is introduced and applied to the fractional order Lorenz system.
Index Terms— fractional dynamical system, fractional order Lorenz system, fractional centre manifold,
Caputo derivative.
Yanling Guo
F’SATIE, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tshwane University of Technology, SOUTH AFRICA
Yanxia Sun
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Science, University of Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA
Cite: Yanling Guo, Yanxia Sun, "Centre Manifold of Fractional-order Lorenz system," Proceedings of 2017 the 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 326-330, Beijing, 25-27 June, 2017.