WCSE 2017
ISBN: 978-981-11-3671-9 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2017.06.096

Coolite and LINQ Applied in the Development of a Web-based Operations Management System for the Crafting Industry: Case JPDAL

Pablo Alejandro Quezada - Sarmiento, Laura Magali Chamba- Rueda, Mariuxi Claribel Pardo- Cueva, Liliana Enciso

Abstract— To develop a Web-based Operations Management System, through technologies such as Coolite and LINQ, to systematically manage processes in the Crafting Industry in the Loja city (JPDAL). As part of the software development methodology, XP (Extreme Programming) was used across all its phases. This allowed to clearly determine the necessary requirements for the development of an accessible, scalable, and secure application (Web-based Operations Management System) that could fulfil all the functionalities raised by the stakeholders. The theoretical-scientific framework that supports the research, as well as the elements that allowed an appropriate development of the application, were established. To improve processes within the Crafting Industry, a Web-based Operations Management System, based on technologies such as Coolite and LINQ, was developed. Inherently, and more importantly, the application of these technologies allowed for a more accessible and adaptable user interface.

Index Terms— Coolite, Crafting Industry, Linq, XP, Web.

Pablo Alejandro Quezada - Sarmiento, Laura Magali Chamba- Rueda, Mariuxi Claribel Pardo- Cueva, Liliana Enciso
Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja, ECUADOR
Pablo Alejandro Quezada - Sarmiento
Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, ECUADOR


Cite: Pablo Alejandro Quezada - Sarmiento, Laura Magali Chamba- Rueda, Mariuxi Claribel Pardo- Cueva, Liliana Enciso, "Coolite and LINQ Applied in the Development of a Web-based Operations Management System for the Crafting Industry: Case JPDAL," Proceedings of 2017 the 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 558-562, Beijing, 25-27 June, 2017.