ISBN: 978-981-11-3671-9 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2017.06.106
Overview of Cyber Threat Intelligence
Abstract— Threat intelligence has been one of the hottest topics for the current network security industry,
and it is widely regarded as the most powerful weapon in solving security threats. Now, threat intelligence is
shifting from theoretical research to practical application. STIX, TAXII and NIST SP 800-150 Draft will be
mainly introduced, and the instance description is based on the machine-readable security threat intelligence
in STIX format. Enterprises should customize threat intelligence program in accordance with their own
environments, which will be helpful in preventing network attacks.
Index Terms— Big data; Threat intelligence; intelligence aware; STIX;TAXII;NIST SP 800-150 Draft
Wei Weimin, Kong Zhiwei, Zhao Yan
College of Computer Science and Technology, Shanghai University of Electric Power, CHINA
Cite: Wei Weimin, Kong Zhiwei, Zhao Yan, "Overview of Cyber Threat Intelligence," Proceedings of 2017 the 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 611-615, Beijing, 25-27 June, 2017.