ISBN: 978-981-11-0008-6 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2016.06.022
Augmented Reality APPs Applied in Intelligent Crafts Using Project- Based and Collaborative Learning
Abstract— A project-based learning course for college students are applied in designing and implementing
for intelligent crafts with Augmented Reality APPs. To encourage the learning motivation, some festival
activities are designed through the project-based learning to create more values of celebration, for examples,
the Mother’s Day and Chinese Valentine's Day. Students progressed significantly and accumulated valuable
experiences especially when they worked together with local artists or technologists using collaborative
learning, since teaching and learning promote and enhance each other. The project-based and collaborative
learning are implemented through the project of “Reforming tea factory in Lugu Township into a Smart
Living Lab”, which is a successful study case provided by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. The smart
living technologies, such as Augmented Reality (AR), and mobile applications (APPs), were introduced to
those local artists then they conducted local festival activities to promote their township journeys.
Index Terms— augmented reality, intelligent living technology, project-based learning, collaborative learning,
and APPs.
Cheng-Min Lin, Chiu-Chiao Chung, Tzu-Chi Lin
Department of Digital Living Innovation, Nan Kai University of Technology, TAIWAN
Cite: Cheng-Min Lin, Chiu-Chiao Chung, Tzu-Chi Lin, "Augmented Reality APPs Applied in Intelligent Crafts Using Project- Based and Collaborative Learning," Proceedings of 2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 132-137, Tokyo, 17-19 June, 2016.