WCSE 2016
ISBN: 978-981-11-0008-6 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2016.06.030

Smart Taxi Navigation System Using IOS Application Case Study: Kuwait City

Abdulrahman Alkandari , Altaf Alshammari, Mishari Aljandal

Abstract— Developers around the world always seek to contribute to make life seem easier using technology and communications. Therefore, the technology has become involved in almost all matters of the life, such as communications and transportation, where the transport is always suffering from delays and fraud, especially taxis category. This target group in the project abound always the monument between the passenger and driver operations where prices are floating. In addition, the delay caused by the large number of vehicles on the street and limited transportation paid, lead to the desire to bring this research which contributes to solving a lot of problems such as wasting time and fraud. This paper proposes an application named “TAXICAB” works on smart mobile phone that uses GPS technology to GPS and it helps to know all the information for the driver and the advantage of ease of use.

Index Terms— smartphone, global position system GPS, IPhone operating system IOS.

Abdulrahman Alkandari
Computer Department, College of Basic Education, (PAAET), KUWAIT
Altaf Alshammari
Om Mabad Middle School, Ministry of Education, KUWAIT
Mishari Aljandal
Electrical Department, High Institute of Energy, KUWAIT


Cite: Abdulrahman Alkandari , Altaf Alshammari, Mishari Aljandal, "Smart Taxi Navigation System Using IOS Application Case Study: Kuwait City," Proceedings of 2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 185-192, Tokyo, 17-19 June, 2016.