WCSE 2016
ISBN: 978-981-11-0008-6 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2016.06.032

CLASE: Chemistry Lessons Made Available to Students Electronically Using Voice Technology

Aster Vivien C. Vargas , Benilda Eleonor V. Comendador

Abstract— The paper is about the development of an elearning system that will aid in the learning process and in storage management of student portfolios particularly in the Chemistry subject. The system contains voice technology such as audio library of the periodic table of elements and downloadable Text-to-Speech apps, uploading and storage of teacher’s lessons in multimedia form, and viewing and uploading of student’s video experiments using YouTube website as repository. The study made use of descriptive developmental method and prototyping to look for better solutions to enhance the existing traditional system. Findings revealed that the level of acceptance of the system is very acceptable in all aspects, thus these should be sustained by sourcing out funds to repair the unused and non-functional equipment, so that the efficacy of the system to the students and teachers would be very strong if this felt need is satisfied.

Index Terms— elearning, chemistry online, audio library.

Aster Vivien C. Vargas , Benilda Eleonor V. Comendador
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, PHILIPPINES


Cite: Aster Vivien C. Vargas , Benilda Eleonor V. Comendador, "CLASE: Chemistry Lessons Made Available to Students Electronically Using Voice Technology," Proceedings of 2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 201-205, Tokyo, 17-19 June, 2016.