WCSE 2016
ISBN: 978-981-11-0008-6 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2016.06.060

The Modeling of Information Security Classification with Risk Value Assessment Factor to Good Information Governance on the Indonesia Higher Education

IGN Mantra

Abstract— Digital information is currently dominating the turnover or circulation of information in any institution, whether in government, private sector, universities, Social, Defense and Security, Economy, Politics etc. Almost certainly the information is spearheading the movement of the economy, "who holds the information then he will win the war". Today's Internet era, which is highly sought after by the hackers or crackers and intruders is information, the heart of the information in the database, computer and laptop is not worth more in the eyes of hackers or crackers, hackers either individual or team will try to break through the defense and security information in server , they are vying to be able to obtain important information, and even the most sensitive secrets though. The purpose of the security classification of information is made rating models on levels of sensitivity of the information, with the security classification of information would make the control of the security protection of data and information, the classification will do with risk value assessment factor so that information can be saved away from the hands of scavengers information especially in Indonesia higher education sector.

Index Terms— information security classification, information governance, information security policy, IT security risk management, risk value assessment factor.

IGN Mantra
Perbanas Institute, INDONESIA


Cite: IGN Mantra, "The Modeling of Information Security Classification with Risk Value Assessment Factor to Good Information Governance on the Indonesia Higher Education," Proceedings of 2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 376-381, Tokyo, 17-19 June, 2016.