ISBN: 978-981-11-0008-6 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2016.06.109
Global Cooperative Signaling System for Automatic Train Protection
Abstract— Rail transit signaling system is a fail-safe system. It is the most important part of train operation
control. With the rapid development of urban rail transit in China, people have more and more requirements
for train operation. The traditional Communication-based Train Operation Control (CBTC) system adopts the
adhesion and closed system architecture and autonomous safety model, and it cannot meet the needs of more
and more complex status of train operation such as fire disaster, flood, stuff dropped and so on. The new
generation of global cooperative system for automatic train protection increases the equipment and interface
for data acquisition and processing which can dispose the exogenous emergency events and complex status
of train operation. Therefore, during the operating, the train can take the automatic protection measures,
improving the safety and reliability of train operation, achieving the final principle of rail transit system: failsafe.
Index Terms— global cooperative, automatic train protection, supervision, fail-safe.
Wanting Zhao, Xiangxian Chen
Department of Instrumentation Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, CHINA
Zhujun Ling, Zhenpeng Nie, Wenbing Tang, Guodong Teng, Lanqing Hu
Research and Development Center, Zhejiang United Science and Technology Co., Ltd, CHINA
Cite: Wanting Zhao, Xiangxian Chen, Zhujun Ling, Zhenpeng Nie, Wenbing Tang, Guodong Teng, Lanqing Hu, "Global Cooperative Signaling System for Automatic Train Protection," Proceedings of 2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 627-631, Tokyo, 17-19 June, 2016.