WCSE 2016
ISBN: 978-981-11-0008-6 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2016.06.127

Using Service Innovation Model to Develop ICT Application Based on Service Science

Tung-Hsiang Chou, Cheng-Lin Wu

Abstract— In recent years, many governments are active in promoting e-business, they wants help enterprises to improve their profits and to create more value for themselves, so the Taiwan’s government is to use "transformation" and "innovation" as the slogan and hope to break through the plight of economic growth and to push the enterprises into the international business[22][23]. This research uses a case study and invents the STEP2 research model to discuss some issues of ICT research, it also is developed based on innovation and user-oriented of service science and to combine ICT to achieve service innovation, then this research uses the strict BPM to solve the problems effectively where the problems exist in the business process. This research also discusses the mechanism of production management and ICT-Enabled production management system and implement service innovation and process innovation in the real case company.

Index Terms— ICT, BPM, service innovation, process innovation, STEP2.

Tung-Hsiang Chou, Cheng-Lin Wu
National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Department of Information Management, TAIWAN


Cite: Tung-Hsiang Chou, Cheng-Lin Wu, "Using Service Innovation Model to Develop ICT Application Based on Service Science," Proceedings of 2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, pp. 715-718, Tokyo, 17-19 June, 2016.