WCSE 2015
ISBN: 978-981-09-5471-0 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2015.04.010

Simulation of Concurrent Games in Distributed Systems

Alexey N. Ivutin, Eugene V. Larkin, Yuriy I. Lutskov

Abstract— This article looks into one of the methods of evaluation of competition results. It was assumed that participants run their distances within a probable time period with a known distribution. There were considered the Petri-Markov models of paired competition, plural and group competitions. The time densities and probabilities, with which the participants may win and/or lose the competition, are deduced. Also, the authors come out with the general expressions for the time densities and the probabilities of finishing the distance by an arbitrary number of participants and groups of participants.

Index Terms— competition, concurrent game, Petri-Markov net, winner, loser, distance, efficiency, penalty, participant, time, waiting time.

Alexey N. Ivutin
Department of Computer Technology, Tula State University, RUSSIA
Eugene V. Larkin, Yuriy I. Lutskov
Department of Robotics and Industry Mechanisation, Tula State University, RUSSIA


Cite: Alexey N. Ivutin, Eugene V. Larkin, Yuriy I. Lutskov, "Simulation of Concurrent Games in Distributed Systems," 2015 The 5th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering-Information Processing and Control Engineering (WCSE 2015-IPCE), pp. 60-65, Moscow, Russia, April 15-17, 2015.