WCSE 2015
ISBN: 978-981-09-5471-0 DOI: 10.18178/wcse.2015.04.040

Software of Cyclic Analysis and Forecasting in the Example of Stock Prices

Vladimir D. Bogatyryov, Anastasiya Yu. Sitnikova

Abstract— The article deals with the cyclicity of economic processes and phenomena, the development of cyclic analysis algorithm and its implementation as software.

Index Terms— Economic cycle, wave, technical analysis, trade indicator.

Vladimir D. Bogatyryov, Anastasiya Yu. Sitnikova
Department of Economics, Samara State Aerospace University, RUSSIA


Cite: Vladimir D. Bogatyryov, Anastasiya Yu. Sitnikova, "Software of Cyclic Analysis and Forecasting in the Example of Stock Prices," 2015 The 5th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering-Information Processing and Control Engineering (WCSE 2015-IPCE), pp. 244-250, Moscow, Russia, April 15-17, 2015.